How is Property Divided During Divorce

Northern Virginia Divorce Attorney Helps Divide Your Assets

When you get married, you plan to be able to work through all of your problems with your spouse. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible, and some marriages end in divorce. If you are facing a divorce in Northern Virginia, there may be a lot of things going through your mind. One of the things many people are most concerned about when they face a divorce is the division of property and assets. Luckily, attorney Claudia J. Zucker can help.

How is Property Divided During Divorce?

In most divorce cases, property division is simple. Each spouse takes their own belongings or assets and any community property or assets is divided between each of them. Some couples are able to discuss who will get what and, in other situations, a judge must make the decision. The judge considers a variety of factors when determining who gets what, including income, fairness and necessity. Some assets, such as property or vehicles, may not be physically divided between two people, but each person may get a percentage of its value instead.

Can I Keep A Specific Asset?

If there is something you specifically want to keep during your divorce, talk to divorce attorney Claudia J. Zucker today. Your attorney can help you get the assets you need and will work with opposing counsel and the judge to make sure you get treated fairly in court and that your assets are divided properly.

Northern Virginia Attorney Claudia J. Zucker Can Help You With Your Asset Division

Divorces are never easy, and the division of assets can be a stressful part of that. If you are concerned about the division of assets, talk to a divorce attorney about your options. Call (703) 596-1005 today.