Arlington County Child Custody Attorney


Few family law issues can be as contentious as those which involve our children. The vast majority of parents naturally want what is best for their children, though sometimes parents have very different ideas about what that means. Disputes over child custody can be difficult to resolve without help from a skilled custody attorney who possesses both the sensitivity to handle complicated family matters with compassion and understanding as well as the firmness of conviction to fight for what is best for their client and his or her children.

Arlington County child custody lawyer Claudia Zucker provides comprehensive legal counsel concerning all custody matters. Her years of experience and her track record of success have earned her a reputation as one of Northern Virginia’s most trusted child custody lawyers. She offers flexible appointment scheduling, and can answer your questions in person, over the phone, or via Skype.

The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction & Enforcement Act

The Commonwealth of Virginia has joined other states in adopting the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, or UCCJEA. This act places certain restrictions on the state of Virginia’s ability to rule on custody actions and establishes inter-state standards for enforcing custody orders. Generally speaking, the Virginia family courts have jurisdiction over a custody case if the child has lived in the state for a minimum of six months, or if the child and parent have significant ties to the State of Virginia. There are several exceptions, however, and if you have questions about which state has jurisdiction over your custody case, it is important that you speak with a knowledgeable Arlington County custody lawyer.

Custody Modifications

Oftentimes, existing child custody or visitation orders need to be modified. Custody modifications are routinely made when the living situation of the child or custodial parent changes, such as a parent moving out of state. Modifying a custody order may also be necessary when there is evidence that the custodial parent is not providing a safe and caring environment for the child, or when there is evidence that child abuse, drug use, or other criminal activity is taking place in the custodial parent’s home.

In some cases, one parent might fabricate or exaggerate evidence that the other is a fit parent as a means of getting revenge on his or her ex. If you need defense against a request for modification that you don’t feel is fair, contact child custody lawyer Claudia Zucker. She serves clients throughout Arlington County, including Westover, Pentagon City, Clarendon, Rosslyn, Lyon Village, Shirlington, and more.

Non-Parent Custody

In situations where neither parent is able to provide the care a child needs, someone other than the child’s parents, such as a step-parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, or other party may request custody. Non-parent custody is most often granted when the custodial parent is incapacitated or otherwise unable to care for the child, or in other situations where it is in the best interest of the child to live with the person requesting custody. If you need help obtaining non-parent custody of a child in your life, Claudia Zucker can help you navigate this complex process. In some situations, an emergency custody order may be obtained while you work to formulate a more permanent solution.

Contact Us Today

Whatever your needs are, Arlington County child custody lawyer Claudia Zucker is ready to help. Call the Law Offices of Claudia Zucker at [cutom:phone] today, and schedule your initial consultation.